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Saturday, December 28, 2019

What would happen if you fall into Planet Neptune

What would happen if you fall into planet Neptune

Neptune is the eighth and most distant planet in the solar system. Neptune is a mysterious dark world because of its colossal huge distance from the Sun. It has only ever been visited by the Voyager 2 spacecraft back in 1989 which captured the first close-up images of the Neptunian system. The planet's atmosphere is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium but it's beautiful color comes from methane and other components in the upper atmosphere absorbing red lights and reflecting it as magnificent blue. Neptune has mostly been studied from ground-based telescopes which means the planet still holds many unanswered questions about its icy interior but because of the incredible data collected from Voyager 2 spacecraft, scientists have been able to study many aspects of Neptune's structure and composition giving them a greater understanding of what's inside of the multi ice giants.

Assumptions made:
1) You are wearing a futuristic space suit to keep you safe from solar radiation and other harmful radiation.
2) This futuristic space suit works in any condition such as high pressure, low temperature etc.

What happens if you dont ware a futuristic science fiction space suit?
1) Very rapid winds can slice you in to million pieces.
2) You would suffocate in Neptune's atmosphere due to lack of air.

So let's jump into a science-fiction Spacesuit and dive directly into this strange world to see what lurks deep below Neptune's mysterious clouds because this mission is impossible for any human being let's assume that you have been equipped with Special science fiction spacesuits. These suits that will take you all the way to the planets core and protect you from the devastating environment that Neptune has to offer such as the scorching temperatures, deadly radiation, lack of oxygen and it's colossal pressures.

As You fall towards Neptune you would have an incredible view of the planets immense storms raging below you. You would be descending at a similar speed to if you were falling towards Earth as Neptune's gravity is only 40 percent stronger than our own planets because you are so far away from the Sun very little light reaches this distant part of the solar system resembling a dim twilight back on earth. You would first fall through the high white clouds made up of methane ice crystals. It is incredibly cold dropping to below minus 200 degrees Celsius.

 Around 30 miles down you'd enter into the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide cloud. Here the clouds move faster than the speed of sound on earth as Neptune experiences the fastest wind in the solar system reaching speeds of up to 1,500 miles per hour but because of your super Science-fiction spacesuit you are kept as steady and continue on your descent. Because of Neptune's thick clouds and distance from the Sun No light can penetrate this deep and you would find yourself in a pitch-black cold lonely environments with violent winds whipping past your helmet.

After falling for a long time you would be 100 miles into Neptune when huge flashes of lightning illuminates your dark surroundings revealing towering white water ice clouds that are causing rumbling thunderstorms to occur. As you pass through this cloud stage the pressure would increase and the temperature would be around 26 degrees celsius. As You emerge from the bottom of the water-ice clouds the pressure would become intense and the temperature would drastically increase to above 1,000 degrees Celsius. After a very long time of sinking you would be around 4,000 miles into Neptune and within the planets mysterious mantle. Here your suit would have to withstand very high pressures and increasing temperatures higher than 4000 degrees celsius. This strange Superheated layer is composed of water methane and ammonia ices that behave as a hot dense fluid under immense pressures. Because of these extreme pressures carbon atoms might also crystallize and form Diamonds. As you descend ever closer towards Neptune's core these diamonds would rain down around you like glittering hailstones as they slowly sink through the liquid mantle. After a long time of sinking through this thick region with the pressures and temperatures continuing to drastically increase. After travelling thousands of miles into the planet you would be standing on Neptune's core a surface roughly the same mass as Earth and made of rock iron and exotic ices. Possibly with a layer of nestled diamonds in this region You would be stranded unable to travel further and unable to escape. You would be doomed to spend the rest of your life in a scorching environment with your science fiction suits having to withstand temperatures of above 5,000 degrees celsius and pressures of above 7 million atmospheres.